Advertise With Us

Do you want to showcase your products or services to a large number of targeted audience?
You can book an advertisement at Easy Taker and get great visitors to your site or products. Easy Taker publishes Technology Related News, Articles, Tips &Tricks, Software Reviews, SEO, Blogging, Internet Marketing Related stuffs.
So if you are in the above categories we can begin the deal!
Available Ad Slots and prices:
  • Rectangle – Sidebar (300×250) – Shown on every page – 1 slot available.
Guidelines For Advertising on Easy Taker:
  • The ads should not contain any nudity or any other 18+ content.
  • The ads can be in any format including PNG, JPEG, GIF, and HTML.
  • 35KB is the maximum size for the image or HTML ad being displayed here.
Sponsored Posts:
At, we review products and services which we feel confident. All the reviews are published comply with Google webmaster quality guidelines.
  • We prefer products related to our blog’s niche (Tech topics, WordPress themes, plugins, SEO services, software, gadgets etc…).
  • For the pricing details please contact in our mail address: Easy
  • Additionally, the review link will be posted to our different social networks.
  • Once the reviews/posts are published, any content change and payment refund requests will not be entertained.
  • Unless said otherwise, all the links will be live for a period of 1 year only.
If you want to buy ad space then contact us 
or MAIL ME Directly on  Easy

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